
An 优秀论文奖 will be available to 一个 student whose thesis was published in May, August or December of 2023, or provisionally approved for publication by Montezuma 2024年5月出版. The winner will receive $1,000. In addition, the winner will be presented at the University’s commencement ceremony in May and will sit with the 纲领党. Interested students are encouraged to contact your faculty advisor or department early in the Spring as your thesis must be nominated by your college.

Each college is invited to nominate 一个 outstanding thesis for consideration for this 殊荣. Students with degrees awarded in May, August, and December of 2022 and those with degrees to be awarded in May 2024 are eligible. 我们继续包括 the prior May degree recipients so that high-quality work completed too late for last year’s college selection process can participate this year. 提名者已被提交 to the 研究生学习 Committee last year may not be nominated again.  

The deadline for submissions to the 研究生院 for this year's competition 2024年3月11日是下午5点吗.m.  Nominations should be sent to graduate-studies@toymonstertruck.com with the subject line "Outstanding Thesis Nomination."  Note:  Check with your college to determine their internal deadline, which will be earlier than the CGS deadline.

Students (and former students):  Please note that each college has their own method and deadline for reviewing theses for submission to the 研究生院 for consideration of this award.  If you wish to submit your thesis for your college's consideration, please reach out to the chair of your committee as soon as possible. 

Those nominated must provide an electronic copy of the thesis, a reference letter from the master's committee chairperson, and the 优秀论文奖 Information Form [pdf] (由被提名人填写). In addition, a second letter of reference from the college committee or dean should be provided. The letters should indicate the reasons for the nominee's selection, including some indication of the contribution made by the thesis to knowledge in the field. We ask in addition that the student fill out the 出版许可[pdf] form and return it to the 研究生院 office; this may be d一个 after the final selection of the Outstanding Theses by the 研究生学习 Committee and notification of the student of the award.

请联系 graduate-studies@toymonstertruck.com 或博士. 杰弗里·本田 杰弗里.honda@toymonstertruck.com with any questions you have about this process.

